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TaxACT Review

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TaxAct guides new and experienced users through filing taxes online. Its strengths lie in its simple navigation, thorough coverage of tax topics, and excellent final review of your return.

TaxAct works with the IRS and state authorities to comply with generally accepted procedures and practices for both physical and online security. It has implemented multiple safety features to ensure you're the verified account owner. The service requires complex passwords and further protects your account with multi-factor authentication.

How Does TaxAct Work?
Like its competitors (and human tax preparers), TaxAct interviews you, asking questions about your income and expenses as you advance through the site's pages. You answer questions by entering data, checking boxes, or choosing from multiple options. You can also import data from W-2s and other forms, including 1099-NEC (nonemployee compensation) and 1099-B (investment transactions, including cryptocurrency). Guidance is available along the way (more on that later).

How Do You Get Started With TaxAct?
TaxAct first wants personal information, like your birth date, Social Security number, and filing status. You can type them in or import them if you've used TaxAct to file in previous years or import them from another tax website as a PDF file. TaxAct then asks what type of income you received in 2023 (like wages, salaries, and capital gains). You can choose whether to have TaxAct provide step-by-step guidance as you proceed through the federal Q&A or select topics that apply to your tax situation.


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