Star Citizen

Star Citizen

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Star Citizen Review

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With Star Citizen, we are redefining the epic space sim, and setting new standards in transparency and engagement by involving our players in every stage of the games development.

Star Citizen combines features from space simulator, first person shooter, and massively multiplayer online genres across its four playable modes. These modes, called modules, provide different player experiences from one another. Three of the modules, Hangar, Arena Commander, and Star Marine, provide examples of gameplay features that appears in the Persistent Universe module, but also have their own mechanics.

Hangar module
In the Hangar Module, players can explore or modify their purchased ships that have been publicly released and interact with the ship's systems, though no flying options are available. Also included are decorations and flair that can be placed and arranged within the hangar.[4] As of Star Citizen Alpha patch 3.13.1a (May 19th 2021), the Hangar Module is currently disabled due to ongoing issues with no time frame for when it will return.

Arena Commander
Arena Commander is an in-fiction space combat simulator allowing players to fly ships in various game types against other players or AI opponents.[6] In the Free Flight game type, players can pilot their ship without threat of combat encounters, while in Vanduul Swarm up to 4 players fight waves of computer controlled enemies.[7][8] Capture the Core is a game type inspired by classic capture the flag rules, where a team must capture the opposing team's core and deposit it on their side.


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